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這個11月,托??荚?/a>有些擁擠啊,共6場考試,也是本年度為數最多的一次考試,都集中在了中上旬,為托福考試的小伙伴們提供了充足的場次。所以,臨陣也要磨槍,快來看看2019年11月9日&10日托??荚?/a>預測機經匯總(版本合集?。┌桑?/p> >>>完整內容: 免費下載2019年11月9日&10日托 福考試預測匯總(版本合集?。?pdf 托福聽力預測 Conversation 1,有關戲劇,學生不了解assignment 2,service hour學生想要去保護wildlife 3,換宿舍 4,藝術家的生平,死后還popular和fansy resturant 5,學生吐槽自己不習慣做小組互評,老師和他探討論文主題 Lecture 1,地殼版塊 2,assignment(play in a play) 3,volunteer in project 4,達芬奇和另一個藝術家畫作的保存的道德問題 5,人類是否需要不間斷的睡眠,undisputed sleep 6,art history,是一個關于500強的 7,植物共生 8,道德與法治 9,有一個人畫作后面可能有另一幅更有名的人的畫,但是不確定,要看的話會破壞前一個人的畫,因此沒有破壞。 10,火星軌道變小 托??谡Z預測 【版本1】 1、If you are to choose between apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper. Which one do you prefer and why? 2、Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves. Which one do you think is more reasonable and why? 3、Some people think that libraries should be quiet because of study while others think that people could do some social activities and interactions there. Which do you think is better? 4、Some teachers let students choose topics that interest them on research papers. Others assign topics on research papers. Which one do you prefer? 5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important element of a successful school is experienced teachers. ...... 沖刺托福高分,讓你離世界TOP 30名校更近一步>>>【免費托福成績測試】 【版本2】 1.When giving feedback to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students in person; while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why? 2.Some people like to use smart phone or other navigational devices to guide their road while traveling; some prefer to ask around. Which do you prefer and why? 3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Decisions made by a group of people are always better than decisions made individually. 4.Agree or disagree: if children do well in school, parents should give them money as rewards? 5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should force their kids to continue learning to play the musical instrument when the kids want to give up. ... 托福閱讀詞匯預測 autonomous = independent 獨立自主的 based on = centered on 以...為核心 bizarre = strange 奇怪的 build up = accumulation/increase 增強,發(fā)展 dramatic = striking advent = arrival pointless = of no use unprecedented = previously unequaled distinction = difference rapport = bond thrill = excitement vitality = energy entailed=necessary ... 托福作文預測更有范文展示,完整版內容點擊下載! 【更多推薦】 2019年8月3日托??荚囌骖}回憶(新政后托福首考深度解析) >>想試試以自己的水平能申請到什么層次的大學?可以使用下面的留學志愿參考系統(tǒng)一鍵定位。 使用方法:把你的GPA、雅思成績、專業(yè)名稱、院校背景(211/985/雙非)等信息輸入到留學志愿參考系統(tǒng)中,系統(tǒng)會自動從數據庫中匹配出與你情況相似的同學案例,看看他們成功申請到了哪些名校,這樣子就可以對自己進行精準的定位了。 2000~2016年,教育部先后審批核準了500多家合法資質的留學中介...2017年國家取消了留學中介資質審批流程...目前市場上以“咨詢公司”“咨詢機構”“顧問公司”等從事留學中介服務的機構超過10000家。留學中介哪個好?如何找到靠譜的留學中介? 可以使用留學監(jiān)理網的“留學中介資質口碑查詢”工具,留學監(jiān)理網不是留學中介,作為監(jiān)督平臺,成立近10年來,已真實服務學生十萬以上,積累了數十萬條關于各留學中介機構的用戶評價,口碑是學生選擇留學中介的重要參考依據,趕緊查一查吧!。 特別申明: 1、本文僅作為信息分享使用,不作商業(yè)目的,非廣告; 2、本文引用圖片來源于網絡,版權歸作者所有; 3、本文引用數據來源于網絡,非我們意向杜撰,請讀者自行鑒別; 以上如有侵權,請聯系我們(4000-315-285),將立即刪除! (特別申明:本站除原創(chuàng)圖片外,其他圖片來源于網絡,版權歸作者所有,如有侵權,請聯系我們刪除。)